Hi again Justin, Just looked at the one you bought on SA. NICE grenade. that has the m1915 zinc-alloy igniter, correction either had 8 or 5 second delay which was denoted by a red band originally around body of igniter. there was also one other igniter that is not shown in the line up of five I showed. It was 0 sec delay booby trap igniter left behind by retreating German troops so when the enemy pulled the loop - blamo!!! Dano (P.S. the guy you bought off of has great prices but rats he won't ship to US). Show us some pics when you get it....
Hi Dano,
It was advertised as a " WWI GERMAN - EIREHANDGRANATE" 1917 with fuse"
The link to the auction page is:
It is for sure an Artillery igniter fuse for canons but I didnt heard that germans was useing it in eggs as booby trap igniter but I cant say that it was no possible.Wow, you made me get red :tinysmile_shy_t:. Thank you for your words... they are true... Hahaha. This trap fuze is totally real and original, not a fake and was an Artillery igniter fuze for canons as delay was 0 seconds. I dont remember where I got that info, if anybody know more or believe that Im wrong, please post a message. If not, keep you in silence for ever.....