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No.220 Fuzed Projectile


Well-Known Member

Does anyone know what artillery gun this was used in :dry:

I did remember to get the number off the fuze, but I forgot to get the dimensions of the projectile. It was a bloody hot day. :silly: The size is a lot larger then a 25 pounder. And the bottom is blown out with no contents inside. It?s over 10cm wide. Might be chemical of some type? If dimensions are needed, please give me 24 hours to post them.


Invest :)

Pic 1

is that a filling plug hole in the side - the dark bit? Looks a bit small for the 60pdr that was the other main user of the 220
Hi Rrickoshae,
Sure looks like it, but sorry no, what looks like a filling hole is actually my sweat - very hot day. I'm starting to lean towards a 4.5 inch projectile, if your talking 60 pounder, but don't quote me on this, as no expert :laugh: :laugh:
Invest :)
The No 220 fuze is not on the list of fuzes used with the 4.5 How.
To quote the handbook.

The fuzes used with this equipment are as follows :-
Percussion, No. 101E, with No. 2 gaine
Percussion, D.A., No. 106,106E, 117 and 119
Percussion, D.A., No. 44, utilised with smoke shell in conjunction with a No. 2 adapter.
Time, No. 183, for star shell
Time and Percussion, No. 83, for smoke B.E. shell.

Source. Handbook for the Ordnance, Q.F. 4.5-inch Howitzer, Marks I and II. 1940

As far as i'm aware the 4.5 inch medium gun was only issued with a HE shell.

Hi Quatermass,
Thank you for the information on the fuzes :)
I have just sent a text message to the owner of this projectile. And I should be able to post information tomorrow on the dimensions of the projectile and all markings on the fuze. Many thanks for everyones input :)

The Mark IA smoke, B.E. 25-PR.

Taken from the 'Handbook for the Ordnance, Q.F. 25-PR., Mark I on Carriages, 25/18-PR'. 1940
This is what is stamped on the fuze.

No.220 11-41 ME 3-43 HI SAFE and the numbers 0 to 22 plus K5 AX? 6 N3 EA BH F PE2052 12 and lots of upwards facing arrows (look like birds feet).

The projectile height measures 396mm from the bottom of the base to the tip of the fuze. The projectile width is 108mm across the base.

I hope this helps with identification.


Invest :)
An unfused 4.5 How Smoke, B.E. shell measured 13.42" (341mm) and 114mm across the body.

There were also base ejected smoke, target recognition flare and star shells for the 3.7" howitzer, I dont have the projectile lengths.

The 25-PR Smoke B.E. IA is 378.5mm long (without fuze) and the body diameter is 87.5mm.

It could be a 4.5" How smoke shell with the wrong fuze?

Anybody else have any ideas?

as this was found in australia,is it possible they used a different fuze on the 4.5 to the uk
Hello Spotter, My Handbook is a U.K. edition. I've had Australian and Indian printed handbooks but I dont know if the text is different.

Its possible that the approved fuzes for the gun changed after 1940 (the date of the handbook) but I wonder if the shell just has the wrong fuze?

The fuze, time & percussion No.220 is basically an unstreamlined No.221.
