Can someone explain the difference between Marks for PIAT grenades ?
I only know that Mk1 used a cap with two pins for the fuze and other used a cap screwed.
I thought that the Mk1 round only used the fuze No425 but today I found rounds with No426 with a cap for pins.
These bombs are in bad condition so it's very difficult to know the Mark.
As rounds were unfuzed I found No 426 in containers on tails. In my documentation No425 and No426 are stored in the container without cap ; but today I found cap on fuze in the same container.
I'll check the other container tomorrow.
I need more explaination because it's very confused to me.
Can someone explain the difference between Marks for PIAT grenades ?
I only know that Mk1 used a cap with two pins for the fuze and other used a cap screwed.
I thought that the Mk1 round only used the fuze No425 but today I found rounds with No426 with a cap for pins.
These bombs are in bad condition so it's very difficult to know the Mark.
As rounds were unfuzed I found No 426 in containers on tails. In my documentation No425 and No426 are stored in the container without cap ; but today I found cap on fuze in the same container.
I'll check the other container tomorrow.
I need more explaination because it's very confused to me.