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Rare German WK 1 Box for the 155 mm Fieldgun


Well-Known Member

I want to show you my newest item in my collection !

A realy rare German Ammo box for the 150 mm Fieldgun !
The box is in realy good conditons all locks and handels are there and even a lot of the original Mimikri color is there too !
The box contains two Catriges for the 150 mm Fieldgun both are in good conditions too the one is marked 1916 and the other is marked 1918 !!

i hope you like it i have never seen on of this boxes bevore in this good conditions !!

best regards David


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Hi David really nice box and always good to see the cases to match rgards Dave
Thanks big Dave

Thanks yes realy nice the inlets are mostly missed these days i am very happy there are still there most of this boxes were used after the war as tool boxes or fire wood and often there are overpainted horrible !!!:tinysmile_fatgrin_t

wbr David
Are you sure that the cases are 155? would it be possibel that the caliber is 15 cm? have you find a date on the wooden box? Ben
yes you are right it was a mistake

yes fjordhouse you are right its for the 15 cm fieldgun it was a writting mistake in the previous post !

No there are no markings on the box even the packing sticker is not there !!

best regards David
But these are the short cases for the 15 cm howitzer. I've never seen a box like this; I only know wicker baskets for the 15 cm cases during WW1 and before. Could it be Reichswehr maybe?
there are some stamps on the box too !!

Dear der Feldgraue there are some stamps on the box too one is 1917 the others i dont remember i will post it later !!
i have seen a nearly equal box for the 21 cm Mortar too on some pictures when i find it i will post the pic !!

Thanks best regards David
Hi Dave,

ok, would be interesting to see the pics, because I only know about the wicker baskets. So another item to look at :)