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Restoration - German Pr. HGr.


Well-Known Member
Recently I bought this German practice hand grenade, WW1. I would like to restore it, so I have two questions for you.
1) As you can see, the head has been repainted with black over the original green color. What do you think, should I try to remove this black paint from the head and repaint it green?
2) I don’t have the striker (4), so I will have to make a new one. Does somebody have such a Hgr. in its own collection? If yes, it will be very nice if he can give me measures (or close pictures) of this striker. Thank you in advance!


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hi grenadier.
i think the gren should be red if it is a practice one. this was standard for all 1ww german practice grenades.
cheers, paul.

Hi Paul,
Here 3 more pictures of this hand grenade (not mine) are attached. All of them are not red painted. These hgrenades were locally manufactured, and probably the paint scheme was not observed here.


  • A.jpg
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  • B.jpg
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  • C.jpg
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2) I don’t have the striker (4), so I will have to make a new one. Does somebody have such a Hgr. in its own collection? If yes, it will be very nice if he can give me measures (or close pictures) of this striker. Thank you in advance!

Could anybody help with this striker please (see above)?