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Russian m1914 grenade

paul the grenade

Well-Known Member
Heres a few pics of my latest find.
Nearly mint condition.:tinysmile_shy_t:
Does anyone have the U shaped fuze to fit this grenade?
Cheers, Paul.


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Nice catch Paul, I have been trying to capture one of those for years:tinysmile_fatgrin_t

Thats the version modified in the 30's I believe, M1914/30. I'm jealous!!
hello ,this one is mine ,in original grease ;)


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Heres a few pics of my latest find.
Nearly mint condition.:tinysmile_shy_t:
Does anyone have the U shaped fuze to fit this grenade?
Cheers, Paul.

A little late, but......Great grenade Paul! It's in excellent condition. I hope you can find the fuze to complete it. Maybe frag sleeve too if you can find one. Good Luck

Does this take the same fuse as the M1912? or is it a smaller one?
A truly unique and impressive grenade. Have heard it referred to as the Russian m1914 bottle grenade. A few eons back when ebay sold grenades there was one buy it now for 299.95usd which for the rarity was not a bad price...Dano
It's my thermite hande grenade M1914 by Rdultovsky.
Red stripe is a marking of thermite M1914 grenades.


This grenade have a pyrotechnic fuse and thermite mixture.
This find from S-Peterburg area.....
It's grenade was made in tsarist Russia period.

Very interesting items! But these grenades look like, as they are more dangerous for the thrower as for the enemy. :tinysmile_twink_t2: