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Six favorite grenades

I used to post my five favorite grenades, but with recent additions I had to update to six favorites. We have m1917 German egg grenade with no grip lugs, and a m1917 German egg with big lugs and transit plug, No36 Mk1, French F1 with slow match fuze, m1913 baby defensive discus. for right now these are my six favorites (mind subject to change without notice)......Dano


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I'm not sure that fuze goes with the 1913 Kugal. I think they had moved onto the 1915 Kugal at that time. The 1913 was quite difficult to cast and I think they stopped making them in 1915. I think that fuze is 1916/17.

The 15 kugel came about because it was easier to manufacture, there were still many 13's around until the end of the war as they were never depleted. (I think) At least i've seen several 13's in thids comfiguration, or I could just swap out the fuse on my 15kugel!. Aw hell I guess I just like it in there..... Dano
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Hi Dano

Delhomme states the 15 was a replacement for the 13 so I don't see them carrying on making the 13 after 1915. Yes, some may have hung around, but I think that fuze is more accurate on a 15.

here my post on 5/03/2009 about friction tube
(your on the kgelhandgranate)
hope it can help every body

(Your friction tube is for German artillery gun of 9 cm ww1
also exist for Belgian gun under casemate stamping EP
One meets sometimes this kind of things on grenades in certain exposures, sold for trapped grenades,sometimes in prevate or not museum, I doubt the reality of this kind of assembly because an artillery friction tube is rather resistant to the friction and to try to tear off draws it fire with the hand is rather difficult unless having an adequate hook.Impossible to tear with a finger.
I think it's possible to be an imagination assembly
Ever met these assemblies on the ground since more thirty years of trade in North France) and in our official didactic museum

Just to throw a little validation that there were leftover 1913 Kugels used at the same time as 1915 kugels. Here is a pic of both fresh out of ground at same site with a few egg grenades..Dano PS The egg was introduced in 1917


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Hi dano

the problem with the relic photo is that if the trench was occupied for some time it would have been easy for grenades to be lost in mud, thrown away because of moisture ingress, to accumulate. This would be typical of the Somme which covered the period under discussion.

Hi John, Give me a day or 2 as I will go through my books and period pictures, and I know i've seen all this stuff together, may take a bit to dig it up but I have it. Even with the relic photo sure looks like they all came out of the same hole to me. There was so much overlap of usage of grenades by all countries as when one was replaced they still used what was left in stock. I am not saying they made the 13 after 15 but they kept using the stockpiles. Same with the egg, the banded version replaced the smooth model later in 1917 but they did not throw away their stockpiles, even if they went to "2nd" troops. The whole First World War covers topic of discussion. With total respect...Dano
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Hi Dano

I'm not a pedant on this and know all these things can overlap. Regarding the egg grenades, I've seen hundreds over the last few years and only a tiny percentage have been the smooth version. Probably about 1%. I don't even own one as those I've been offerered have been too expensive for me.

Mine are FWIW, are:

1. M26A1
2. V-40
3. M67
4. RKG-3
5. Diel DM51
6. All Rifle Grenades