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The Bombatorium

Couple of new pieces. Projo #2 and #4 are new, a 240mm HE and an 8-inch M845 training round. The rocket is very clean and the V40 is mint with an inert filler.

Thanks for showing US-Subs,I had no idea the V40 was so small!.
seeing the Lot code and number would this one be Dutch?

As far as we have been able to tell, all of the V40s were Dutch, with the possible exception of a few experimental variants that may be US and rumors of others. All hard information leans toward the US purchasing from the Dutch as needed.
Actually I'm thinking the fired 280mm inert HE next to it is even more hard to find.
Local (in-State) show today - did ok and got some new pieces for the collection.

Picked up a 20lb M45 Practice bomb, shown beside the M41 fragmentation bomb for comparison. Then a pale green variation of a Japanese Type 97 grenade - may be a practice piece, but the jury is still out. Then an interesting vintage box of Government tracer 12 gauge ammo, and finally some new blasting cap containers for the explosives section.

DSCN2691.jpg DSCN2693.jpg DSCN2696.jpg DSCN2695.jpg DSCN2701.jpg
Nice stuff. I haven't seen a Trojan electric cap box before, only seen the fuse cap boxes. The practice bomb is nice too, never seen that one before either.
Seems strange, but the practice bomb seems to be a lot harder to get then the HE one. I've probably had a dozen M41 frag bombs over the years, this is my first M45 practice.

A couple of really interesting ones there. I've been looking for one of the practice bomb bodies too as I have a blue painted practice parachute assembly. It has a different thread and I think mates that body or one very similar. You're right.....much scarcer than the HE version.

The Japanese grenade is a rare one too. I have one and have seen two others. All have been very similar with the extra cylindrical projection just below the fuze. All have also been a little crude with sharp edges and details a bit washed out. The overall height should be about the same as a normal T97 with the bottom and top of the body shorter to compensate for the height of the neck below the fuze, about 3/8". Mine was a recent (about 15 years ago) bring back from some Pacific island that was purchased from an antique store in San Antonio.

It also has a normal looking fuze like yours and the others I've seen so I lean more toward an HE variation rather than a practice type. And none of the others have had the funky green paint job. Does Frank have one like it? Great find.

Yes, Frank has one as well, and I've seen two others, one with the same funky green. Frank actually found this one at the show yesterday, it was part of a package deal he needed me to go in with him on to make it affordable. Good to have friends. You make any decisions on SLICS yet? E-mail me.
Picked up a new toy to add to the collection.

Found some new pieces this weekend, mostly small arms under 40mm, but a nice short 76mm and a very nice M106 tail fuze as well.

A very long day yesterday, 600 miles of driving and a whole lot of sweat and toil. In the end, we have a new arrival, a MK14 Mod 0 16-inch HC projectile. Lot 002, dated 1969.

Oooo. Nice big one ya got there. So, Bedford's 300 miles from you, apparently. I imagine that Prius was draggin' tail on the way back home. And just curious, what was the shipping going to be, if'n you'd opted for that? And does it have the demil cut in the nose? And did you get the fuze adapter and fuze?