Perhaps the wrong forum to ask this sort of question. I was reading a T.Jentz's book "Panzertruppen". They talked about problems with casing extraction of 50mm KwK projectiles. The casing would hang up in the breech.
This got me wondering about misfire drills associated with explosive\spgr shells. What if an HE projectile misfires and for whatever reason the shell casing is lodged in the breech. How would these guys go about extracting the projectile. I was thinking of cleaning rods or a ram rod and pushing from the muzzle. But than I am thinking "how wise is that if the HE\spgr has a nose fuze set to super-quick". Is the nose fuze active? Or does the nose fuze require the accleration of getting fired to activate the fuze. How stupid is it to try and push the round out from the muzzle when I am pushing on the nose with a ram rod?
This got me wondering about misfire drills associated with explosive\spgr shells. What if an HE projectile misfires and for whatever reason the shell casing is lodged in the breech. How would these guys go about extracting the projectile. I was thinking of cleaning rods or a ram rod and pushing from the muzzle. But than I am thinking "how wise is that if the HE\spgr has a nose fuze set to super-quick". Is the nose fuze active? Or does the nose fuze require the accleration of getting fired to activate the fuze. How stupid is it to try and push the round out from the muzzle when I am pushing on the nose with a ram rod?