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Zu Z.Z.35



Heres an interesting igniter the Zug Und Zerscheidezeueder
or Zu ZZ35
This igniter in its original role was to be both pull and tention igniter
in the early part of the war the germans were very much into boobytrapping , that they produced this igniter for that purpose , but it was so dangerous that they modified exsisting stock by removing the tension part, thereby making it pull only.
All old modified models were marked for tention only
See attached drawings
Picture 2 is all threee models ZUzz35 unmodified ZuZZ35 modified and ZZ35
another complete 35er-family with their different safety pins.


  • 35er-family.jpg
    86.8 KB · Views: 144
  • 35er safety pins.jpg
    35er safety pins.jpg
    80.4 KB · Views: 142
Fortunately I got my hands on this nice pre-war instruction panel on peebay as a real bargain :wink: (only due to a reference of an old English BOCN-pal; thanks a lot PC).


Most interesting is the shown cloth sheath (rubberized cloth?). Obviously an essential part of the fuse, but it's always missing.
Sad conclusion: Never seen a really complete example until today.
Recently came across this not very common box:

CIMG0008.jpg CIMG0009.jpg CIMG0010.jpg CIMG0011.jpg

I'm wondering about the still unknown manufacturer "RR 507" from Bielefeld; does anyone know more?
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I did see one of these Zu. ZZ.35 igniters with cloth sheath on ebay a while back, thought it was a small bag that it came in, not actualy part of the functioning of the device.
I did see one of these Zu. ZZ.35 igniters with cloth sheath on ebay a while back, thought it was a small bag that it came in, not actualy part of the functioning of the device.

Yes, it's not a functional part; named 'protection tube', it padded the fuse in the box and covered the protruding parts after being laid, possibly a kind of camouflage.
During some studies of ZuZZ 35 I came across these pics;


A sturdy cardboard-box for 15 Hebelzuender SM 4, late issue January 45.
Surprisingly on the rear is another label


Ive never seen ZuZZ manufactured by gcy yet, only RR and related ones from the late 30s.
Possibly these later 40-lots were never delivered, until all ZuZZ 35 have been withdrawn from January 1941 on?

Cutting a ZuZZ 35 is undoubtedly a very demanding job;


This one looks quite nice, but doesnt really show the special features of the device.
Thank's BrunoH; that's the reworked (umg.)-type, "Nur Zugznder", only pull function.

But again marked 507: is there really nobody out there who knows what manufacturer might be hidden behind that number ???