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Random Museum Ordnance Photos

Maybe making new threads for every batch so all in one batch can be discussed easier. I sometimes refrain from asking or making remarks as things are moving on and about 10 other items were discussed sine one bacth was posted. Makes it hard to keep track on all of these items as so many unusual stuff is in there.
All interesting items deserve more attention than just a dia show running by making it hard to talk about.
Maybe making new threads for every batch so all in one batch can be discussed easier. I sometimes refrain from asking or making remarks as things are moving on and about 10 other items were discussed sine one bacth was posted. Makes it hard to keep track on all of these items as so many unusual stuff is in there.
All interesting items deserve more attention than just a dia show running by making it hard to talk about.

What you say makes sense, but I kind of prefer one thread, all the photos are in one spot. I have trouble enough finding my old threads/posts as it is. I've never had good luck with the search engine here. At this point I would have another 50-100 threads to search when looking for something.
The photographs being posted by US-Subs are outstanding and its great to see them all in one place.
My suggestion would be to post all the photos onto one thread (this one) and then if anything needs discussing in futher detail maybe copy the photo to a new thread for discussion..that way its best of both worlds. Jeff could just keep adding photos as and when he gets time and they could be discussed elsewhere keeping the thead 'clean' for future reference.

Would be interested to know what others on here think.

regards Kev
What you say makes sense, but I kind of prefer one thread, all the photos are in one spot. I have trouble enough finding my old threads/posts as it is. I've never had good luck with the search engine here. At this point I would have another 50-100 threads to search when looking for something.

One way is to have a parent thread for solely the photo postings, akin to a "sticky", with reply feature disabled (if that's possible - admin?). Then a separate daughter thread is created for each photo batch, i.e. each particular photo posting is copied with reply feature enabled, suitably titled to correspond to the position/number/date in the parent thread. Later searching is facilitated by scanning through the parent for a photo, then searching out the corresponding daughter by the date/position/number identifier.

Of course, there is the matter of retrospective (re-)organisation.

One way is to have a parent thread for solely the photo postings, akin to a "sticky", with reply feature disabled (if that's possible - admin?). Then a separate daughter thread is created for each photo batch, i.e. each particular photo posting is copied with reply feature enabled, suitably titled to correspond to the position/number/date in the parent thread. Later searching is facilitated by scanning through the parent for a photo, then searching out the corresponding daughter by the date/position/number identifier.

Of course, there is the matter of retrospective (re-)organisation.


I hppe this would be less complicated than it sounds.
German military must be different that the US. Nothing is ever less complicated than it sounds.
The looking up of two threads to do one thing in the end.

No. One thread - the clean, uninterrupted parent, consisting purely of the photo postings - is looked up. A user visually searches for an image of interest. When found they use the data in the title to cross reference the daughter that contains any comments, answers and observations that might have been made; or the owner/author of the parent puts a hyperlink from each parent posting to its corresponding daughter thread. Really quite straight forward.

Not necessarily the only solution though. As Wernher von Braun once said - possibly - "It's not rocket science".
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Will that be a "one click" thing?
- With a hyperlink, yes.

Wo will do all the linking?
- The author of the parent thread.

Author creates a new post in the parent thread - a batch of photos, say.

Author then repeats the posting to create a new thread.

Author then hyperlinks from the first posting to the new thread.

User comes along after several weeks, sees an image they like, clicks on hyperlink so that the particular set of images of that one posting appears in a new window where comments, questions, etc, can be added.

If parent is a Sticky, the reply feature is disabled. If not a Sticky then above each hyperlink there may need to be the caution "Do not reply here", as it relies on the discipline of viewers not to add comments to the parent thread... and that might be a little tricky.

Overall the additional workload falls on the author of the thread, not on a moderator or admin.
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This sounds great. Jeff, can you have this sorted by Monday please? I have questions about some of the pictures and it would make my life far easier!!


- With a hyperlink, yes.

- The author of the parent thread.

Author creates a new post in the parent thread - a batch of photos, say.

Author then repeats the posting to create a new thread.

Author then hyperlinks from the first posting to the new thread.

User comes along after several weeks, sees an image they like, clicks on hyperlink so that the particular set of images of that one posting appears in a new window where comments, questions, etc, can be added.

If parent is a Sticky, the reply feature is disabled. If not a Sticky then above each hyperlink there may need to be the caution "Do not reply here", as it relies on the discipline of viewers not to add comments to the parent thread... and that might be a little tricky.

Overall the additional workload falls on the author of the thread, not on a moderator or admin.

I think this would be the ideal for this thread. There are many unique and interesting items in the photographs, surely worthy of further comment. In my humble opinion I think people refrain to comment a lot of the time, simply adding a thanks below the photos, first of all for respect of what Jeff is doing by posting these at the expense of his own time and through respect to keep the thread 'tidy', and secondly; that it soon begins to become untidy when you are trying to discuss for example 'photograph 8, post 138' (no idea if that exists by the way, just trying to make a point), which has perhaps already been discussed on a previous page (and unless you spend the time going through the whole thread can easily be overlooked - especially be someone looking at it for the first time). The final reason for not posting of course is that although you know you are looking at something extremely scarce you have no real idea of just what exactly 'you' are looking at....this is where the discussion thread comes in - we all learn something!!

Personally I think its a shame that so many unique and interesting items are being overlooked. I think it would make the forum a richer place information wise if, as has already been said by Tom, the photos are linked to a 'daughter thread' in which they can be discussed in-depth.

I would be interested to know what Jeff thinks to this idea, as after all its a thread he started, and as he has already said keeping the photos all together for reference/searching is a good idea.........having a link to a further thread in which they are discussed makes searching easier, you just go to the original thread pick out a batch of photos and click the link to see them discussed and with all the relevent information at hand.

I dont think it would require too much work to do this.....perhaps if the majority are in agreement then all comments so far could be deleted, photos posted so far could each be linked to a seperate thread in batches (as posted) and link added. Time scale isnt an issue, it could be done as and when and once a link to a 'daughter thread' has been placed then comments/information can begin in earnest.

makes total sense to me...........life can only be as complicated as you make it.

For me its Jeffs call.

regards Kev
Yes, this gets complicated on which photos we are referring to. Perhaps I should post less batches?

It is fantastic that this thread is receiving such support. I'm glad that people are enjoying the photos and continue to be thankful that I've been given the opportunity to show them. The identification of many of the items shown goes a long way in repaying the folks that gave me access. The unfortunate truth however is that it all takes time - sorting the photos, selecting items to post, re-orienting, cropping, cleaning the pictures and then finally the posting. The above post was intended as a sort of tongue-in-check way of saying the posts may be slowing a little again as I get busy.

Spring is coming and the work schedule is filling up. I provide direct support and training to 174 people in three different cities four hours apart, and indirect support to 15 or so "stakeholder" groups. I additionally liaise with/support over a dozen civilian squads in-State and provide RFI support for a number of other squads out of State. In the coming months I have 8 range classes scheduled for several hundred local, State and Federal officers (plus Canadians). I average over 25 hours a month just driving between sites. The Bombatorium soaks up my personal time, I could use 1-2 full time employees just to maintain the collection. I have five visits scheduled for Feb already, two by collectors/interested persons two by in-State Squads with each requesting training and one by more State Environmental folks who are looking at former use sites. In regard to posting, what it comes down to is simply, the time is not there. I'll continue to post the photos as frequently as I can, but will probably stick to the current procedure. While the method is awkward I think it is still worthwhile. Regardless, the number of photos is finite and will rundown eventually, just bear with me until that time comes.

ICE-jb-12-47.JPGICE-SM-219-1  WDU-4A Flechette.JPGICE-SM-346-6.JPGICE-SM-346-8.JPGICE-SM-355-1.JPGICE-SM-355-5.JPGICE-JV-24-3.JPGICE-JV-24-4.JPGICE-SM-360-4.JPGICE-JV-52-3.JPGICE-JV-52-6.JPGICE-SM-49-2.JPGICE-SM-49-1.JPGICE-JV-92-3.JPGICE-JV-92-6.jpgICE-JV-413-3.JPGICE-JV-413-6.JPGICE-JV-413-12.JPGICE-SM-135-42.JPGICE-sb-126-5.JPGICE-sb-126-6.JPGICE-sb-126-8.JPGICE-sb-21-6.JPGICE-sb-21-9.JPGICE-se-13-4.JPGICE-se-13-8.JPG
I’ve been following US-Subs’ thread Random Museum Ordnance Photos since he first started posting these many fantastic pictures.

Being a small time collector my knowledge base on ordnance is small (pales in comparison to many on BOCN). From that standpoint (for me at least) this thread would be even more valuable if there was some way to isolate a specific photo or sets of photos so that specific questions could be asked and/or specific information could be provided. These museum pictures are such a valuable asset to the collecting community.

I too understand US-Subs’ problem in having time to implement the suggestions offered by Snufkin, Butterfly and others as I work full time and have 2 part time jobs. Would it be possible for some members of BOCN, who have the time, be allowed to isolate specific picture(s) of a particular item or set of pictures and start a “discussion “ in an appropriate forum, with full reference back to US-Subs’ original posting? Or would be possible for someone to implement Snufkin's suggestion?

US-Subs cannot do it all, so if this treasure trove of pictures is going to be fully utilized other members of BOCN, with the knowledge and time, are going to have to help if there is a way to do so.

Being retired from two jobs with no plans of gainful employment, I'd be glad to help in the "picture isolation" endeavor. Would need a bit of technical guidance, initially. So yea, put me down as a helper.

First a great Thank You Jeff for posting this great pics.
I try to sort these pictures and add them to my own database.
Have have to admit that many stay in the folder "US Subs".
If there is a way to put a name to the picture I would be gratefull.
I would not worry about the process, start a thread with every item and everyone will sort them in his (her) database anyway.
where is will there is a way.
Cheers, Bob