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Advice needed


Well-Known Member
I was wondering,do any of you have any advice for contacting or purchasing items from JC Militaria?
Over the last two years or so Ive sent quite a few e-mails,with my name,return address,phone number,and requested information about items that Ive been interested in.Ive even offered references and so far not one request or e-mail has been answered?Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks to all of you for all the private messages with explanations and advice.I understand better now whats going on. Ive learned yet another lesson in the wonderful world of collecting.
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I've always had good comms with JC on several occasions via e-mail. Perhaps your messages disappeared in his spam file?
As a BOCN-member he also should be reachable via pm (I forgot his nickname, but Spotter certainly knows).