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Base fuze type 5124, German, WW II


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hello together,
here is a hard to find base fuze from the MTRC reference collection, the Bd.Z.5124. This one came out of a 54cm projectile. The fuze incorporates a cocked striker system and is armed by gas pressure from the propellant charge (like the Bd.Z. f. 21cm Gr.18 Be)
Enjoy the image!
Mrfuze, USA


  • Bd.Z.5124, 1, GE,.jpg
    Bd.Z.5124, 1, GE,.jpg
    23.9 KB · Views: 55
  • Bd.Z.5124, 1b, GE,.jpg
    Bd.Z.5124, 1b, GE,.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 68
Hello, can anyone please share a diagram or blueprint of this fuze?
The cocked striker feature is quite unusual for a CP projectile.

Thanks, Bob