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Explosive Factory


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hi I found this photo out of a explosive factory at Stowmarket Suffolk where my Grandfather worked i would like to find out more but i have no infomation on it dose anybody know anything.


  • Stowmarket Explosive Factory.jpg
    Stowmarket Explosive Factory.jpg
    96.4 KB · Views: 33
Hi Andy
I just put into Google PRENTICES GUN COTTON FACTORY there is a list of those killed in 1881 .
hope this helps

I have Majendie's (HM Inspector of Explosives) report on the explosions. Its a long report and on my list of documents to copy. It will be a while, but if you want a copy let me know.

Try Wikipedia

You may have a little luck with information in "Wikipedia" under List of Royal ordnance Factories !
The list is by no means exhaustive but is interesting.

Good luck in the hunt.

Chris :tinysmile_shy_t:
Thanks Guys for all your help, and Tim G Yes i would like a copy please but there is no rush.