Hi, Just finished this French HE round i don't know if its the right shade of yellow but it will do for know and all i have left to do is the lettering
good job mate.
a bit of a cheat i use is to add a wash over the yelow base colour.
Basically you mix up some very watered down base colour,in your case yellow but darker,and sponge or brush over everything.(after lettering)
Makes it look a little aged and less bright also dampens down lettering that can sometimes stand out too much when painted.
Its the same effect as using strong cold tea to age other articles like clock faces.
Ive used this on 18 pounder shells with this yellow,models etc..
i wouldnt be too concerned on the correct shade of yellow,i'm sure some one knows the 'exact' shade for this,but it all depends on quality of paint,age and storage conditions so I believe its a little open to artistic licence and interpretation.
your shell looks great.
p.s. how you doing he lettering?
ive used 'letraset' rub on tranfers,they come in all fonts,colours and sizes and can easily be rubbed with very fine wet and dry to give a faded or worn look.
you can get them from hobbycraft..