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Fuse Setting Object


Hi All,
I have just joined and of course need some help ! I'm a Collection Manager at a South Coast Aviation Museum and came across this Object. We deal with mainly WW2 artefacts, and I was wondering if this is indeed a settable fuse and if so Artilary or Bomb.

Looking at some of the threads there seems to be a huge amount of knowledge here ...

Regards Mike Heavens ( Ductex )


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Hi Mike the object is a nose fuze for an artillery round, what are the markings on it please.
Duxtex fuzeman is correct it is an artillery fuze have a look on the nose section and on the base of the fuze there should be some numbers letters there also if you can tell us what the numbers start and finish at please that will help with a positive id of the fuze type,and hopefully we can get you more information
Nose fuze for an artillery round

Hi Steve,
Thanks for very quick response.
I have for the last year, after leaving a very hectic business life behind for ever <GRIN> !, joined Tangmere Military Aviation Museum and am now their Collection Manager. very interesting and a complete contrast from the 'old' life.
I will check out the markings on Monday and post them on to you.

Best wishes Mike ...
Hi Mike
How,s Andy is he still around ! ive bought items off him on ebay
Im the custodian of Bomb disposal exhibits for Brenzett Aeronautical museum.
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Not a positive id but,,ive just had a quick look in the 1915 ordnance treatise and at first glance it looks to be a no80 mkV time and percussion fuze which was used with 2.75 BL guns,13pdr,18pdr 4inch guns and no doubt later with others,
the markings tho will still help


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Fuze N0 80

Here's a Fuze No 80. V. Mk 2. For 18 lbdr. 1905, obsolete by 1943.
This one was brought back by a wreck diver from the English Channel. The transit cover is distorted apparently by sea pressure. These were soldered in place so watertight. They were removed by a ring and tear off strip.
Hope this is of some interest.


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That's in quite good condition, I suppose the watertight transit cover kept the salt water off it.
Hi Naviman
I think and sure that your fuze is not a 80 Mk V
80MkV have body and nose made in aluminium
no 80 fuze

I have an aluminium capped brass bodied no. 80 like the origonal photo and it is stamped Mk IVA VSM 8/18 on the base. 2pr
No 80

Thank you all for your observations.
I've just checked the fuze and found that you are correct. Mine is a No 80 Mk VII. I'd appreciate any info on this so that I can adjust my catalogue?
I'm including some pictures of my No 101 MkII which is in nice condition but does not have any internals apart from the pin, it's dated 8/17. Could you let me know anything about this one as well, I'm not well informed on Fuzes?
Many thanks,


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Generaly the N80 Mk VII is used on 18 pr shrapnel Mk XI an XII
and also on 13 Pr schr
your N101 have lost is internal Pellet and spring and also is centrifugal bold
This fuze for HE shell have not Centrifugal security bold for detonator Gaine N2
Hi All,

Numbers are: 6/16 725 No80 V HD [?on the D]. Numbers situated on the [ Alloy ? ] nose section.

Thanks also for all the replies, much appreciated. Mike ...
Steve as follows:

Numbers are: 6/16 725 No80 V HD [?on the D]. Numbers situated on the [ Alloy ? ] nose section.

Thanks also for all the replies, much appreciated. Mike ...