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Fuze Safety


Well-Known Member
Hi to all,

I have seen a few bomb pistols for sale on Ebay recently that have been recovered from airfields and such like. Are these safe? Again probably a dumb question but worth asking to be sure!

Hi to all,

I have seen a few bomb pistols for sale on Ebay recently that have been recovered from airfields and such like. Are these safe? Again probably a dumb question but worth asking to be sure!


Never a dumb question,quite a valid one to me?


Hello Dan,
If your talking about a recent British No.30 tail pistol, which sold on UK Ebay, it was totally safe, as this type of pistol never contained any live material.
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Yes I think it was that one I saw. Are there any that should be treated with caution? British or German?

I have during years seen for sale plenty of "inert" fuzes which however have still had live flash primers, though other explosive stuff has been removed.
It's better always to be careful until you know the item really is safe.
Hi British Bomb Pistols are perfectly safe they do not contain anything Nasty they are purely mechanical action devices .Whereas German Bomb fuzes do contain a Flash composition , but deep inside the body
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Hello! English bomb fuzes are only badly if them this part still cultivated!!!


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When the pistol is Extracted the detonator remains inside the fuze pocket , so the likely hood who having a pistol and detonator together would not normally be possible.

I meant only, the English bomb fuze in connection with Detonatoren am dangerous. Harry
Hi, Thanks for the info, I guessed they were pretty much harmless as so many people collect them but I wasn't sure when it come to dug up ones.

How about cannon shells! you see a lot of these for sale, I guess the cases are empty therefore making them safe?

Thing to do if your unsure about anything your considering buying is ask the seller to show you that it is empty and 100% inert , by sending you a pic of the item disassembled if possible.Also im sure the guys on here will be willing to advise you on any potential purchases.but the main rule to remember is if you have any doubt yourself do not buy it or touch it if its something you have found

Items of ordnance dug up must be considered live and dangerous. In the UK all such items should be reported to the POLICE and they will inform the relevant agencies (EOD) to attend to make it safe / destroy or remove for safe storage. In extreme cases they may (emphasis on may) hand back the item to the individual only if it contains no explosive of danger to the public and the police have no interest.

If you do have items that you feel are suspect, please do the right thing as injury, loss of bodily parts or life is not the way ahead and would ruin you day.

Should you wish to talk off line please PM me.


I only ask as it is surprising what people wander into the museum with! one day I am sure someone will turn up with something that may be suspect. Also having recently developed an interest into collecting WW2 ordnance I thought it would be wise to ask the questions so I know when to panic and when not to panic! I really would rather avoid any EOD call outs! And I do not want anything in my collection that may be risky.


I only ask as it is surprising what people wander into the museum with! one day I am sure someone will turn up with something that may be suspect. Also having recently developed an interest into collecting WW2 ordnance I thought it would be wise to ask the questions so I know when to panic and when not to panic! I really would rather avoid any EOD call outs! And I do not want anything in my collection that may be risky.


Calling the authorities will not mean being arrested unless you are breaking the law. EOD are there to keep people safe and to make the harmful harmless.