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No 208 Fuze


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
Im looking for information about a No 208 Fuze, does anyone have any pictures, diagrams or a photo of a sectioned one. Ive tried google but didnt come up with much.

I purchased this N0 208 fuze pictured below and would like to see if it is complete.

I do not know all that much about fuzes, this is a new area of collecting for me so any other information would be great.



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Fuze No 208

Drawings I've found


  • Fuze No 208-01.JPG
    Fuze No 208-01.JPG
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  • Fuze No 208-02.JPG
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208 complete

Darren your fuze should look like this one except yours wull have the time in seconds marked around the top of the Brass body.

Hope this helps you !


  • MT 208 Fuze.JPG
    MT 208 Fuze.JPG
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Thanks Chris, it does look pretty similar, what projectile/projectiles were these used with?

Old threads

Darren these Fuzes are the old 2" 14 Teeth Per Inch thread so presumably would be for both 3.7" and 4.5" Guns used in the AA role.

I see yours also has no seconds timings around the body-probably from the same scrappy as mine !

These were on sale at Beltring some 3 or 4 years ago and the dealer had a whole box full of them.
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Darren these Fuzes are the old 2" 14 Teeth Per Inch thread so presumably would be for both 3.7" and 4.5" Guns used in the AA role.

I see yours also has no seconds timings around the body-probably from the same scrappy as mine !

These were on sale at Beltring some 3 or 4 years ago and the dealer had a whole box full of them.

No it does not appear to have any timing markings on it, may well have come from the same place.
I have not taken it apart as such yet (didnt know if i would get it back togeather), just had a look inside the top and seems to have internals in place but not sure if it is complete.

Here is a pic of my sectioned 208,hope this helps?



  • 208 SECTIONED(2).JPG
    208 SECTIONED(2).JPG
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Hello all,

I have a No 208 Mechanical Time Fuze, it is marked No208 I.R.O.F. (B) 1943. I have information on the No208 fuze but I can't find any info on the
I.R.O.F (B) 1943 part. if you know anything about this fuze could you help me out? I will post a picture when I get a chance.



  • IMG_0072resized.jpg
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Hello all,

I have a No 208 Mechanical Time Fuze, it is marked No208 I.R.O.F. (B) 1943. I have information on the No208 fuze but I can't find any info on the
I.R.O.F (B) 1943 part. if you know anything about this fuze could you help me out?


I would imagine that it would refer to 'Irvine Royal Ordnance Factory' but i could well be wrong. im sure that someone here will correct me if that is incorrect.

Thanks for the help, i will do some more digging. from the sounds of what i have seen so far you are correct. thanks again
No 208 Mk I

Hello all,

I have a No 208 Mechanical Time Fuze, it is marked No208 I.R.O.F. (B) 1943. I have information on the No208 fuze but I can't find any info on the
I.R.O.F (B) 1943 part. if you know anything about this fuze could you help me out? I will post a picture when I get a chance.


The I is probably the Mark number. The ROF(B) is interesting for 1943 and could be Royal Ordnance Factory Blackburn. Blackburn made 208 fuzes but is recorded as using the monograms BE, BW and BUF.

Hopefully TimG will have the answer.

The 208 fuze had more marks/sub marks than any other British fuze I believe but the Mark I lasted for several years.
Darren these Fuzes are the old 2" 14 Teeth Per Inch thread so presumably would be for both 3.7" and 4.5" Guns used in the AA role.

I see yours also has no seconds timings around the body-probably from the same scrappy as mine !

Hi Darren,

My "old" notes on the 208 certainly indicates that it was used for the 3.7" AA.

The earlier ones (MK 1, Mk 2 etc) definitely had the timing ring....yours is a later Mk 8/1 which I'm wondering was a later "proximity" type, which may perhaps explains the lack of the timing ring?
But then then it makes sense if the fuse had both functions - timing and proximity .........humm have to think about it a bit more.
