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ww1 Fuze


New Member
I have in my possession a fuze that has been recovered from Delville Wood on the Somme. I think it is a No100 percussion fuse that has been modified to a No102 standard. The No100 has been over stamped with a series of XXXX and has been replaced with No1021A. It was manufactured by
A.M.S.G.&V.CO. it is also stamped with the following: F3 594 8 16 M.S.F. Can anyone tell me if I'm correct and add any further information.
Steve H
history of 102

The first Fuze N102 were elaborate starting from the bodies of fuzes N 100
The old number was barred and replaced by the new one
The detonator and side striker do not exist but houising is quite present
The system of working that of N 101 without bolt of security of sheath
N102 1 A is the first final construction of this fuze with all new the initially selected elements knew other fuzes 100 and 101
It's the reason why we found old barred stamping of other fuze like N100, date and other
The elaborated fuze N103 have a simiary history and we can see on old stamping for example of barred 100, 101, 102 on one body

A history of making of a fuze impassioning with reading (one in any case says that the cats would have 7 lives, certain fuze N103 in one have sure to the month four)
Hello TimG
Manufactured in the USA! that's really suprising. Can you expand on that? I have assumed that the fuze was made and fired in August/September 1916 during the battle for Delville Wood. The fuze is stamped 8/16 which I have taken to mean that it was made in August 1916. So could it be possible that the fuze used after the Delville Wood battle?
Steve H