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BOCN Contributor
Well, sorta.

Mentioned this in another post, it was used as an inkwell(!). Bought it for $100.

One band identifies it as Z.s.u.m.W.M.

The nose markings, however, say: Z.musch.W.M.

The times go from 7 to 25 but the Z.s.u.m. is supposed to go only to 21.

A patische?



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Popped open the bottom and it appears that it is entirely lead filled. It looks like a pretty neat job too.

Is it possible that they took 1916 dated fuses, gutted them, filled them with lead and then replaced the nose with a piece that signified that it was a practice fuse with a 1917 date? That is to say, is it reasonable to assume that these pieces actually do go together?


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Your fuze is an inkwell, as you supposed it.
Zs.u.m. WM is for Znder Schwerer und Mittlerer Wurfmine
It exists increased from 21 till 25 seconds and even it shall exist a version in 45 seconds time
different name on top:
Z s.u.m. WM; Z s. WM; Z m. WM; Z m. u. sch. WM Sch (for Schwerer : Load Mortar 25 cm)
Hello Birdeyes
I join you an extract of the "Manuel d'Artillerie allemande 1918" It is seen that this fuze carried many names

A plus
Jean Paul
Yes Ed
It's exactly it .Following the manufacturer or the years, the fuzes wore a different name
Jean Paul
Salut Ed :hmmmm2:
I understands your doubts, but If on resumes name of this fuze Z. m.u. Sch. W.M and what we refer to German ammunition terminology on could translate name of this fuze as it.
Z = zunder = fuze
m = mittlere – medium
u = und = and
Sch = Schrapnell = shrapnel
WM = WurfMine = trench mortar
The name wants to say nothing on the other hand if Sch = to schwer heavy (or schwer = s or S ) , it is better but that does not correspond to a statutory marking of time
To show that the markings are not an exact science
We find on some ammunitions the mention = bungen = exercice (in french) = exercise

I join you a picture of a german fuze


You will notice that the name begins with EX it means Exerciren = exercise = bungen Why ? can be not to confuse it with him u = und (a fuze it's small), I have no explanation, if the other members of the forum have the answer ?

A plus
Jean Paul
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Sch is Schwerer (LOAD in english)
Schrapnel don't exist with Minen Werfer 25cm and 17cm

bung is for training and is used in gun with reduced HE and generaly Smoke charge
Ex is for manipulation of fuze an loading, Not to be fired
Sch on the fuze is realy for schwerer
Schranel 17 an 25 cm WurfMine don't exist....