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Beltring official when are you going post


Staff member
Premium Member
Thought it would be good to do an official WHEN ARE YOU GOING POST for BELTRING.
Myself and Bolo are definately attending on the Friday .
and hopefully on the Saturday as well.
Hope to meet some of you folks there...
Beltring official when are you going

Thought it would be good to do an official WHEN ARE YOU GOING POST for BELTRING.
Myself and Bolo are definately attending on the Friday .
and hopefully on the Saturday as well.
Hope to meet some of you folks there...

Friday with a couple of others. We usually get to the beer tent at 1300hrs to meet up with chums, shandy and chips.
me and the family will be there on saturday would be nice to meet up with a few members

regards lee
Not sure now when arriving as im got my calendar mixed up...
I believe we are on Row 'I',stall 8 this time though(moved next door to usual for some reason?)
Hope to see y'all there as we had a good meet up at mine last year.


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I plan on being there from Wednesday through to Sunday. You should find me no problem. I'll be the one behind the stack of ammo boxes.
I cant make it this year lads.:tinysmile_cry_t4:
too busy with work and children.:tinysmile_cry_t4:
I dont think you will be missing much judging from the sky high prices being asked by the foreign dealers , not helped by gate prices this year at Beltring.
I believe we are on Row 'I',stall 8 this time(moved next door to usual for some reason?)
Hope to see y'all there as we had a good meet up at mine last year.



Hi old mate
I will be there from the 21st to the 28th :beer:
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how much is it to get in these days?
and dare I ask...when is it?
p.s how do prices compare to internet bought stuff?
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Info Prices etc can be found here http://www.thewarandpeaceshow.com/
Yes theres plenty of bargains to be found,

17.00 Adults!!
15.00 Children

2 Adults
2 Children..60
I'm not tight,but a family for a day looking around for 60.00 pounds? and thats with family discount too!
Crikey I do get dissapointed with entrance prices-sorry.
Does anyone know (apart from lining folks pockets) where this cash goes to?
After all ,stall holders etc..are still charged anyway.
Sorry for the moan....
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jus thought a tenner would have been more realistic-
next year might be 20 then?
....4 mates...80 !!!! for a day!!!
(dont get me on the subject of greed)
Wednesday through to Sunday, hope to catch up with all of you there.
Best regards Weasel.
I'll be there At Kitcheners Bar at 1300hrs Friday for shandy and chips!!
Hopefully with a pocket full of interesting but inexpensive goodies purchased in the morning (I wish!!).
:tinysmile_shy_t: Mark
I dont think you will be missing much judging from the sky high prices being asked by the foreign dealers , not helped by gate prices this year at Beltring.
Hi Steve,
if the dealers prices are going to be so high, dont think they will do so well. I for one wont be paying ridiculous prices. Having said that, did rather well last year.

Hello Everybody, i will be at Beltring from saterday the 18 until sunday the 26. and yes Steve i am a foreign dealer!!! be happy that there are foreign dealers otherwise the place would be almost empty!! and not all dealers have high prices. Ben
My pitch is somewere in the section H 20, big tent, lots of nice items and friendly people. BOCN members are more than welkom...